Political Philosophy

American is built on ideas.  It is a country rooted in political philosophy.  Miss political philosophy, you miss “getting” American government.

equality in democracy

Aristotle & De Tocqueville: The Problem of Equality in Democracy

In reading Aristotle’s Politics this semester, I have been intrigued by his detailed analysis of the concepts of equality and democracy.  These concepts are of such value to Americans and have become more salient issues to me after reading Alexis De Tocqueville’s Democracy in America this past summer.  In comparing their writings on equality and democracy, I’m

Aristotle & De Tocqueville: The Problem of Equality in Democracy Read More »

aristotle's america

Aristotle’s America, Part 2: 8 Concepts the Founders Borrowed From the Father of Political Science

Last week, I shared the first four of eight Aristotelian concepts that America’s Founders borrowed from the great Greek philosopher. In this post, I share four more concepts. In the coming weeks, I plan to look at a couple of specific issues in Aristotle that caught my eye (legislation of sexual relations within a polity

Aristotle’s America, Part 2: 8 Concepts the Founders Borrowed From the Father of Political Science Read More »

aristotle's america

Aristotle’s America, Part 1: 8 Concepts the Founders Borrowed From the Father of Political Science

“Happiness” isn’t overrated in America so much as it is misunderstood. Popular culture certainly interprets the iconic line of the Declaration of Independence regarding “the pursuit of happiness” as some kind of individual quest for meaning and fulfillment. However, considered in the context of the reading Thomas Jefferson did (and not in terms of the

Aristotle’s America, Part 1: 8 Concepts the Founders Borrowed From the Father of Political Science Read More »